Kibana is an open source project. Modifying and developing over it is therfore a natural thing to do. Organizations might want to do it to fit their various specific needs. Although, a developer could dive right in the src/ directory and fiddle with the code immediately, a more proper way of customizing Kibana is through a plugin. In this short article, I will get you up to speed on why and how to deploy your kibana instance, with a Pre-Installed plugins.
While developing a Kibana plugin, your code will be located in Kibana’s plugin/ directory. But when it comes to deployment, plugins in plugin/ directory will be ignored. To finally deploy your plugin, there are two ways.
/bin/kibana-plugin install (Official Way)
The recommended way was to run the following in your build script:
bin/kibana-plugin install file:///some/local/path/ -d path/to/directory
Modify build tasks (My Way)
I like better when a software is more self-contained, keeping build scripts as small as possible.
In tasks/build/index.js, you will find the list of tasks that are executed during a build process.
import { flatten } from 'lodash'; module.exports = function (grunt) { grunt.registerTask('build', 'Build packages', function () {[ 'clean:build', 'clean:target', '_build:downloadNodeBuilds', '_build:extractNodeBuilds', 'copy:devSource', 'clean:devSourceForTestbed', 'babel:build', '_build:plugins', '_build:data', '_build:verifyTranslations', '_build:packageJson', '_build:readme', '_build:babelCache', '_build:installNpmDeps', '_build:notice', '_build:removePkgJsonDeps', 'clean:testsFromModules', 'run:optimizeBuild', 'stop:optimizeBuild', '_build:versionedLinks', '_build:osShellScripts', grunt.option('skip-archives') ? [] : ['_build:archives'], grunt.option('skip-os-packages') ? [] : [ '_build:pleaseRun', '_build:osPackages', ], '_build:shasums' ])); }); };
Before we can add our own build task, we must first create it. In the same directory (tasks/build/), create your custom build javascript file. Say foo.js:
export default (grunt) => { grunt.registerTask('_build:forSonar', 'Install organization specific plugins', function () { // This makes the foo plugin installed by default. grunt.file.copy('plugins/foo', 'build/kibana/plugins/foo'); // change foo to the name of your plugin. }); }
To add our custom build task to tasks/build/index.js, add _build:foo right after _build:plugins, like this:
New tasks/build/index.js
import { flatten } from 'lodash'; module.exports = function (grunt) { grunt.registerTask('build', 'Build packages', function () {[ 'clean:build', 'clean:target', '_build:downloadNodeBuilds', '_build:extractNodeBuilds', 'copy:devSource', 'clean:devSourceForTestbed', 'babel:build', '_build:plugins', '_build:foo', // Custom build task. '_build:data', '_build:verifyTranslations', '_build:packageJson', '_build:readme', '_build:babelCache', '_build:installNpmDeps', '_build:notice', '_build:removePkgJsonDeps', 'clean:testsFromModules', 'run:optimizeBuild', 'stop:optimizeBuild', '_build:versionedLinks', '_build:osShellScripts', grunt.option('skip-archives') ? [] : ['_build:archives'], grunt.option('skip-os-packages') ? [] : [ '_build:pleaseRun', '_build:osPackages', ], '_build:shasums' ])); }); };
_build:plugins just creates a plugin directory in the build directory. Something we needed before running our build task.
That’s it. Hope you found this useful.